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天声人语 20111009 短歌姐妹花

发表于 前天 14:24

天声人语 20111009 短歌姐妹花

  她们的作品中经常出现对彼此的描写。“妹妹太可爱,睡梦之中都在笑,忙让大伙来参观,刷牙老爸也叫上。” “玄关处华丽一转身,姐姐的裙摆轻飞扬,” “妹妹想要新靴子,学习用功勤帮忙。”然后妹妹又接着回应道“穿着新靴子,去听音乐会,两腿并并正,侧耳仔细听。”
  姐妹俩和妈妈松田由纪子(41岁)一起散步时,不用掰着手指算,而是用响亮的声音唱出步数,五七五七七的短歌韵律就这样牢牢印刻进心里。她们和父母一起合出的作品集《短歌中散步》(角川书店 出版)中也处处透着一种清新活泼。

发表于 前天 19:01

本帖最后由 abyssthinice 于 2011-10-9 19:20 编辑











发表于 昨天 17:41

发表于 4 小时前

VOX POPULI: Young sisters show fresh poetic sensitivity
    I look forward eagerly to reading tanka poems by two young sisters whose works appear frequently in the Asahi Kadan poetry section of the vernacular Asahi Shimbun. That feeling is apparently shared by the sections panel of judges. "My little sister wants to become an adult right now/ I want to remain a pupa," wrote Riko Matsuda, 13. Her younger sister, Wako, 10, wrote: "Im a slow runner. I want to chat with a fish that is poor at swimming."
    The Matsuda sisters, who live in the city of Toyama, are young stars of the Asahi poetry section. Since debuting in spring last year, they have each had 30-plus poems published in the paper. They have become regulars.
     The girls often write about each other. A poem by Riko goes: "My little sisters smiling, sleeping face was so sweet/ I had to make Dad, who was in the middle of brushing his teeth, see it." And heres one by Wako about her big sister: "Big Sister twirls at the front door in her skirt/ Shes going out." Another piece by Riko: "My little sister wants a new pair of boots/ Shes studying hard and helping Mum around the house." And one by Wako: "Wore my new boots to a concert/ Sat through like a lady with my feet together."
     The poems are like records of the sisters growth. The older girl is maturing. "The mirror in the fitting room/ Shows an older me in a new school uniform." The younger girl is still a happy-go-lucky kid with a mind of her own. "The green tea ice cream parfait I ordered/ Was just like what Id seen in a Kyoto guidebook/ I ate all the things shown in the guidebook, one by one."
     Instead of using their fingers to count the syllables in their tanka verse, they acquired the 5-7-5-7-7 rhythm by saying the words aloud and counting their steps while taking walks with their mother, Yukiko, 41. The poetic inspiration they got from the walks can be felt in "Tanka de Sanpo" (Taking walks with tanka poetry), a collection of verse they co-published with their parents.
    Some parents may want their daughters to be like members of the Nadeshiko Japanese womens soccer team, but there are many ways of using ones legs other than kicking a soccer ball. When fresh sensitivity and passion for poetry go into the creation of 31-character poems, inexperience in life and limited vocabulary are not handicaps. I am in awe of the sparks of creativity displayed by children. The Matsuda sisters are now at the height of the sort of poetic genius no adult can emulate. I will watch their development closely.
--The Asahi Shimbun, Oct. 9

发表于 4 小时前

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天声人语 20111009 短歌姐妹花